Convoy to Canberra, Albanese tells 100,000 Australians to Go Home

The Political leaders and Media want to downplay there were 100,000 people in Canberra today, I promise you they would be very worried about the turnout especially people who have travelled so far to get to stinking Parliament House that's full of Rats.

We are lucky that Federal Labor Party was not in charge of the Pandemic, We would have had Force Vaccinations.

Journalist Question to Albanese referring to the large Convoy Rally in Canberra, Um thousands have a Mask outside parliament again today protesting you guys mandate. Are you worried?

Anthony Albanese: says Go home, Go Home Don’t engage in the sort of Behaviour that we’ve seen. Um, my understanding is during the recent period in Canberra there have been people intimidated for wanting to get Vaccinated, uh there’s been behaviour and blocking of people movement it doesn’t advance any cause. It doesn't assist the sort of nonsense that we’ve seen of people dressed up in military camouflage walking around can if you think that’s a way that you win support for your view in Australia I think you are very wrong I think these people need to just go home and think about the facts which are out there and the facts are that you are more like to avoid getting COVID if you’re fully vaccinated. The fact is you do get COVID you’re far less likely to have acute health concerns if you’re fully vaccinated and you’re far less like to suffer death if you’re vaccinated at a time when our nurses our healthcare professionals working their guts out under extraordinary pressure in our Hospitals but a particular shout out to those in our age care facilities have some respect for the people who have been working beyond and reasonable criteria working extend hours under extraordinary pressure to keep their fellow Australians safe and look after them go home

ATAGI advice on defining ‘up-to-date' status for COVID-19 vaccination

National Cabinet noted that the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has updated their clinical advice to include that all individuals aged 16 years and over are recommended to receive a COVID-19 vaccine booster dose to maintain an ‘up-to-date’ status.

Consistent with current arrangements this booster dose is recommended from 3 months after the last primary dose and will now be recommended to be administered within 6 months of completing the primary schedule. Boosters are not recommended for children aged 5-15 years of age and ATAGI will continue to review the evidence on the need for a booster dose in this age cohort.

ATAGI has advised that a booster can be given safely and effectively at any time after 6 months to become ‘up-to-date’ in the event that the booster had not been received earlier.

In its advice ATAGI acknowledges that this change in definition of up-to-date status for COVID-19 vaccines may impact the status of an individual’s COVID-19 immunisation certificate, and sufficient time should be provided to support implementation of changes. ATAGI has recommended they be made effective by the end of March 2022.

National Cabinet noted ATAGI’s advice that these ‘up-to-date’ requirements be applicable for domestic situations and policy settings and noted the Commonwealth Government’s decision that the existing arrangements and definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ for the purposes of overseas travel and arrival into Australia will continue to be that individuals must have received a complete two dose primary course of a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved or recognised vaccine to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’. People entering Australia will not be required to have had a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

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